
Broadscast is a podcast series focused on social justice and women's issues. You can listen to us on the local radio at 107.9 FM WRFA on Fridays at 2 PM and Sundays at 11 AM. Additionally, you can find the link to our podcasts below (after they have aired) and on WRFA's website.
Please visit our soundcloud page to view and listen to all of our podcasts!
Additional Resources for Listeners
For additional Information and Resources shared in the Domestic Violence Awareness Episode originally aired on Septmber 27, 2024 please see below:
Project Crossroads Facebook Page
Western New York Silent Witnesses Facebook Page
Chautauqua County Coalition Against Domestic Violence and information about Unity Day
Information about Domestic Abuse
Resources for individuals experiencing domestic or intimate partner violence:

A special thanks goes out to our listeners and to WRFA for making this podcast possible!