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Are you ready to

in 2024?


The future of women and girls in our country hinges on voting this November, including in our state and local governments. This is why we have provided a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know to cast your vote in this year's election.

Step 4:

Spread the word.

Make sure you’re registered to vote!

Make sure you know the voting rules in your state.

Deadline to register to vote in New York State:

In-person at local election office : Oct 26

Online : Oct 26

By mail (received by) : Oct 26

Absentee ballot deadlines

Request ballot (received by) : Oct 26

Return ballot by mail (postmarked by) : Nov 5

Return ballot in person : Nov 5 by 9:00 p.m. EST

Voting deadlines

Early voting : Oct 26 - Nov 3

In-person : Nov 5

Make a plan to vote!

Reach out to at least five friends, neighbors, or family members who you think may not be registered or may not plan to vote. Explain the stakes and help them complete this cycle of steps. Those first calls you make can become hundreds of new, motivated voters.

Find out where to vote here.

Learn what will be on your ballot by clicking here.

Stop into YWCA Jamestown for a voter registration form and additional information about voting today!

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